This blog is dedicated to the Moxie Collective; a collective of progressive thinkers from Youngstown Ohio. (1971-1989)
Moxie defined: vigor; verve; courage; aggressiveness; nerve; skill; know-how.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
15th Anniversary of the Lucasville Prison Uprising
Debra Weaver is an Attorney in Youngstown, Ohio. She is a long time resident, activist, and proud tree hugger. She loves the city and believes that the citizens of Youngstown can co-create a vital, sustainable city for ourselves and future generations.
For Jimmy
President Jimmy Carter committed the ultimate sin. It was one those
right-wing pastors like Robertson and Falwell could never forgive. It
wasn’t just Carte...
A Voice Calling released
Yesterday was the official release date for my novella, A Voice Calling.
It’s a story about a haunted house that does very terrible things to its
Unintended Gifts from Beyond
Note: This was first written as a Facebook Note on March 20, 2017 I spent
last weekend in Orlando for my 50th high school reunion, packing every
empty minu...
Astronaut Alan Bean and the Alien
Wayyyyyy back in 1999 my sister was going through a divorce. She suggested
I spend some creative time with my nephew as he was about 9 years old and ...
Confessions of a Culinary Sentimentalist
BRUSH WITH FAME: Elizabeth Glasgow (seated, far left) on the set of
Marjorie Mariner’s cooking program, ‘Kitchen Corner,’ which was broadcast
on WFMJ (Cha...
Church bells rung this morning – in celebration of the victory in Egypt.
[1] The first time that I have heard them in over two years. [1] Following
the att...
Not Just Anne Frank
Alexandra Zapruder has provided an important resource for understanding the
Holocaust in her book, *Salvaged Pages*. By collecting the diaries of
38th Year funding - Orientation Session
The Community Development Agency will be holding an orientation meeting for
the application process of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and
Home Pa...
Please feel free to send an email to with
any questions, or if you are interested in sponsoring any of the events
listed bel...
Maine Marks Another Blow To Gay Marriage
Watch a Time Magazine Video on Gay Marriage in The Heartland
Ooops! They did it again. For the 30th time, the people of a state in our
country voted agai...
A President and Partner for Youngstown
A few weeks back I attended an employee forum at YSU. It was regarding the
qualities that YSU is looking for as they begin the search for a new
president, ...
Rustbelt Road Trip!
Welcome to the Rustbelt Road Trip Page! In the Spring of 2009, five
master’s students and one professor from the Department of Urban Planning
at the Univer...
Pre-cut homes of the early 20th century
Although Sears is widely recognized as a major producer of pre-cut homes,
other companies included Aladdin, Gordon Van Tine and Montgomery Ward.
Shaking Hands Across The Aisle
So what do you do when have had a dispeptic start to a blog due to lack of
time and inspiration? Come back with a controversial blog that will
probably los...
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