This blog is dedicated to the Moxie Collective; a collective of progressive thinkers from Youngstown Ohio. (1971-1989)
Moxie defined: vigor; verve; courage; aggressiveness; nerve; skill; know-how.
November 22 and 23 from noon until 5:00 and then again on November 29 the artists at the Mahoning Commons will be holding an open house and auction. The artists are located in the old Ward Baking Company on lower Mahoning Avenue across from the U-Haul Building. There are more than twenty artists participating. Art work will include paintings, pottery, sculpture, drawings, photography and jewelery and an amazing array of handmade crafts. In addition Jerry Treharn owner of the building will have special tours of his fine Victorian furniture shop. Five floors of studios will be open and art work will also be exhibited in the hallways. This is a family oriented event and children are welcome. Free parking available surrounding the building.
This past weekend Cedars hosted the International Pop Overthrow .Unfortunately,I didn't make it to all of the shows,but I did make it Saturday night to hear the band Blue Ash and I had a fine time! Kudos to Cedars for bringing this festival to Youngstown. I'll look forward to next year's show.
David Bash, Founder and CEO states in the festival program, "It's about the camaraderie bands feel for one another when they realize that everyone on the bill is really good!"
He also explained that its about fans discovering artists that they might not otherwise be exposed to. Most importantly he says, "International Pop Overthrow is about people who have a passion, whether that passion is to play some of the best melodic pop music you've ever heard,or to help create a forum where this music can be heard."
Bash speaks the truth, as the bands Saturday night incited the fans to a state of passion that was palpable. For more on the show check out a more complete review written by my good friend Kid Charlemagne at Power Pop
Using cutting-edge technology to revitalize Rust Belt cities FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Cynthia Closkey 724-602-2332 The problems of post-industrial cities seem so complex, intertwined, and entrenched, it’s hard to imagine how to start restoring these places to their former glory.
But a group of bloggers says that getting started can be as simple as taking a walk.
The Neighborhood Walk is a chance for individuals throughout the Rust Belt of the U.S. and Canada to recognize the place they live, work, or call home — and to introduce it to the world. The project is the inspiration of a social network called Rust Belt Bloggers.
On November 11, 2008 (11/11/2008), bloggers, podcasters, bloggers, photobloggers and others throughout the Rust Belt region will each take a walk around their neighborhood, make media about it — a blog post, photo gallery, video, or whatever you prefer — and post it on the web. More info here: Visit Rust Belt Bloggers I took a stroll through my neighborhood the other day. The neighborhood is located around Wick Park on Youngstown's north side. One of the reasons I love my neighborhood is because it is so richly diverse in its architecture and landscape. It is also rich in religious tradition. The Unitarians, the Methodists, the Jewish Temple,and a Pentacostal church all co-exist along Elm Street. The population is diverse as well, although it was a bit brisk outside while I was walking, so there weren't many people out and about. Nevertheless, it was a great day in the neighborhood. Enjoy!
Join Art Youngstown on November 28, 2008 at the newly renovated Davis Building Downtown for a evening of music, stories, and art by the brothers Robert and Jack Kidney. If you have not yet heard the legendary Numbers 15, 60 75 Band, it is high time you did.$5.00 at the door. Doors open at 6:00 PM. For more information contact Judy Szabo at (330) 746-8846 or Robert Dubec at (330) 398-4565.
Good News! The city of Youngstown has signed a one year aggregation deal with IGS Energy to provide a fixed rate of $8.99 per 1,000 cubic feet for city residents who are Dominion East Ohio Gas Customers. The program according to is voluntary. Also, anyone in Youngstown who wants to enroll who is currently served by another provider can join. If you want to sign up for the gas program call IGS at(800) 280-4474. I don't know about you but I have been paying between $10.69 and $14.15 per MCF. I'm calling IGS today. Congrats to the Mayor and the legal department for negotiating this contract!
Lots of familiar local faces in this video produced by Craig Duff. The footage was shot on or about October 10,2008 in Youngstown. In my own defense I must say that I had just returned home from the hospital the day before and was recovering from surgery. My favorite part of the video is the walk on part by Dino the Cat. Enjoy!
As you may know the upcoming election is going to be the most documented election in history. Two years ago Ian Inaba of Guerrilla News Network, John Ennis and James Rucker developed the idea to video the vote. For information on uploading your own video and to view a map of the United States that indicates problem sites visit You Tube Video the Vote.
I had the pleasure of meeting John Ennis and Sam Zamko of Guerrilla News, along with several local activists for dinner,at the Golden Dawn, in Youngstown last night to discuss how Video the Vote will be handled in Youngstown. It was a fascinating discussion of politics, the election and of course Youngstown. It was a very pleasant surprise this morning when I found that Sam had published a post to Guerrilla News Network article titled, Young-stown at Heart.(scroll down the page to locate the article)
If you have trouble at the polls on Tuesday, please feel free to contact me via e-mail and I will do everything in my power to get a video crew out to the polling location. My e-mail is:
Video the Vote operates through a simple three step process. 1. Volunteers sign up online, providing contact information and video proficiency. 2. On election day, voters call in to national hotlines to report problems at the polls, Video the Vote dispatches our volunteers to get the story. The organization will also be obtaining footage from roving videographers who are documenting the election process in their communities. 3. Volunteers then upload their footage to the website where it is available for immediate viewing by the media and the public.
This is important because not only will there be more people voting in this election than ever before, but there undoubtedly will be bumps along the way, long lines, broken machines, confusion over the registration process, and even voter intimidation and fraud. Video can help document where problems occur in a very concrete way.
If you have questions regarding this and other election laws in Ohio you can find information here.
Debra Weaver is an Attorney in Youngstown, Ohio. She is a long time resident, activist, and proud tree hugger. She loves the city and believes that the citizens of Youngstown can co-create a vital, sustainable city for ourselves and future generations.
Part Two Haiku
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