The Grey to Green Festival is taking up a great deal of my time these days so I fear I have been lax in my blogging responsibilities. I promise to get back in the swing of things after September 12, 2009. Keep checking back though because I will be providing a complete update and schedule for the Grey to Green Festival very soon. It is truly going to be awesome this year! So mark your calender now because you need to be at Wick Park on September 12, 2009 from 10:00 until 5:00.
In the meantime - if you are looking for something new and exciting to do you can take a fire eating class with Travis Fessler. For those of you who don't know, Travis Fessler is the current world record setting title holder for "Number of Live Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches Held in Mouth for Longest Amount of Time". I know gross right? Well, it appears that Travis is in Y-town this week teaching fire eating. You too can learn this valuable skill. He is holding fire eating classes on August 22-23 for the low cost of $75.00. He will also instruct you in safety and how to make your own torch. If you're interested e-mail Travis at
Travis and the Pickled Brothers Side show will also be performing at the Oakland Theater at a fundraiser for First Night. Show is at the Oakland from 6:30 to 10:00 on August 22. Tickets are a mere $15.00 and available at the door. This will include a First Night Virtual Tour as well as a Taste of First Night which will feature dishes from many local venues including C Staples, Cafe Cimmento, Tomasino's Sante Fe and more. Don't miss it folks!
La Fin de la Semaine Essay Question: Special "I Thought Career Day Was
Usually in November" Edition
From 1970, please enjoy the extremely rich *Norman Greenbaum* and "Canned
Ham" -- the song that DIDN'T add to the fabulous sums of money he's made
over the...
3 hours ago
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