We had a wonderful time at the Meet and Greet the Artists on October 10,2009 but this Saturday October 24, 2009 from noon until 2:00 PM on the corner of Wick and Broadway on Youngstown’s north side Art is the climax. Art Youngstown will be completing the final installation of the WRAP THE ARTS project. The public is welcome to come and watch or volunteer as the artists hang over 45 large works of art along a block long chain link fence on Wick Avenue, screening the blighted space by wrapping the art.
The project has been supported in part by the Wean Foundation's Neighborhood Success Grant Program.
The following is a list of artists who have contributed to the project:
Aaron Andrews
Marcy Roepke-Applegate
Danna Bozik
Al Bright
Lynn Cardwell
Kathy Crowe
Robert Dubec
Willie Duck
Terry Esarco
Terry Fetchet
Kristy Hoard
Susan Jacobs
The Jewish Community Center
Robert Kidney
Angelo LaMarco
Henry Lepore
Aaron Martin
Ron Mistovich
Tony Nicholas
Park Vista
Antonia Pilloli
Carol Raestadt
William Reents
Sharon Rich
Lynne Rosati
Cynthia Sahli
Robert Savage
Elaine and Joy Serednesky
Joshua Shank- Metro Church
Fred Shepherd
Marleen Simon
Judith Szabo
Jeff Terlecki
Sarah Terlecki
Anita Weinstock
Clara Wick
Chris Yambar